Their appearance reminds me of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.
Except their clothes actually match...including their underwear :-D
And that cult does know how to make music...
If I have to watch a cult choir, I'll take LSD LDS any day :-)
never througt there would be a jw.org hq song.. they have become mad.. https://tv.jw.org/#nl/mediaitems/latestvideos/pub-osg_40_video.
Their appearance reminds me of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.
Except their clothes actually match...including their underwear :-D
And that cult does know how to make music...
If I have to watch a cult choir, I'll take LSD LDS any day :-)
so i have started down the path of trying to understand evolution, and to get the linear lies that the jws planted in my head out of it.
i bought an audiobook called "evolution: what the fossils say and why it matters" by donald prothero.
i heard it recommended on an atheist podcast that i listened to.
I recommend reading a book or two on the subject. That way you'll get a structured approach to the topic, as opposed to piecing bits together yourself.
Some I've read and liked (in recommended reading order):
an 'old style' service report for 2017 has been published on jw org.
so far it appears to be only for igbo language.. https://www.jw.org/ig/akwukwo/akwụkwọ/2017-service-year-report-of-jehovahs-witnesses-worldwide/.
i wonder if this is a fuck up, or other languages will be posted later, or igbo readers can have this while others can't?.
Thanks Darkspilver!
I wasn't paying attention....
an 'old style' service report for 2017 has been published on jw org.
so far it appears to be only for igbo language.. https://www.jw.org/ig/akwukwo/akwụkwọ/2017-service-year-report-of-jehovahs-witnesses-worldwide/.
i wonder if this is a fuck up, or other languages will be posted later, or igbo readers can have this while others can't?.
An 'old style' service report for 2017 has been published on JW org. So far it appears to be only for Igbo language.
I wonder if this is a fuck up, or other languages will be posted later, or Igbo readers can have this while others can't?
with all those happy holidays gorby took some time to search in online dutch newspaper archives.
great to see how much information is on the net.. i searchedon the subject jw and many articles, from negatie to positive and all in between came on the screen.. like the blood issue, 1975 worlds end, ray franz incident, former witness, finance,etc etc.. the question i asked myself, is that if there is so much kind of scandals and negative information over the years,how can a person ignore this?.
if it looks like a pig, it smells like a pig and makers the noise of it... it has to be one.. g..
To take myself and my wife as an example:
So even with the recent avalanche of news paper articles in our country, my wife saw exactly....none of it.
JW aren't interesting enough (yet) to make headlines or be top articles online. Unless you have a decent (hardcopy) newspaper that you read front to back, it's unlikely you ever see those JW articles.
And it's not like the JW that do see them share them on Facebook or talk about it with others....don't want to stumble anyone yo...
I now have Google alers set up to notify me of JW related news. But my wife doesn't...
So she only knows about these issues if someone tells her about it....as a return visit did some weeks ago...
this is my first post, i will introduce myself later.
first of all, i must say that english is not my mother tongue (i'm spanish), so excuse me if i make any mistake.. do you think that some people simply can't cope with being outside the jws?
some of them are too worldlyphobic to be around non-jws, too dependent on a fixed set of rules in order to carry on with their lives, too dependent on the hope of paradise and resurrection, too unable to leave their personal comfort zone within the organization.
Don't you think some people are just better off within the org?
So even if there is no apparent improvement for some individual, their exit may likely prove beneficial for society in general, for people both in and outside the cult.
Therefore I'll likely try to wake up anyone I can, regardless of their individual benefits.
todays watchtower study is all about singing complete with instructions on how to sing.,............
"but we all have the responsibility to sing praises to jehovah.
so hold your songbook up high, lift your head, and sing with enthusiasm!".
They seem to be suggesting that Jehovah is hard of hearing.
Well.....they know he is. Everybody knows that. Or is prayer useless for different reasons?
those who have been aware and informed have seen this coming.. of course it's just the beginning.
80 reports seems to be only the tip of the iceberg.
reclaimed voices is expecting hundreds of cases more.
As far as I know my wife hadn't heard about it in the congregation, but a RV threw it at her....
And that was some weeks ago. Since then we have seen more coverage.
@George, what region are you located? Of course feel free to keep that to yourself :-)
I'm in Groningen.
those who have been aware and informed have seen this coming.. of course it's just the beginning.
80 reports seems to be only the tip of the iceberg.
reclaimed voices is expecting hundreds of cases more.
Quite a lot of news sites and newspapers reporting on this:
(all links to sites in Dutch language)
Then there are probably more regional and local newspapers reporting on this both online and in print.
Reclaimed Voices and the media do an excellent job to get all this out in the spotlights!
those who have been aware and informed have seen this coming.. of course it's just the beginning.
80 reports seems to be only the tip of the iceberg.
reclaimed voices is expecting hundreds of cases more.
Thanks for sharing.